The Bombay High Court squashed Maharashtra government’s decision to increase the Floor Space Index (FSI) in Mumbai’s suburbs from 1 to 1.33.
While the state had declared in 2008 that it would permit construction of that much more ‘floor space’ on a given plot of land, this verdict has reduced the area available for construction by 76.32 lakh square metres.
Increased FSI would have meant the load of more population in the same area and would require more amenities such as schools, hospitals, roads, parks and open spaces.
But the government enhanced the FSI without a simultaneous enhancement in amenities. The High Court order has helped avert a catastrophe in the city.”
The court, however, did not cite this as the reason for its order. The government was going to grant extra FSI against a fee ranging between Rs7,000 and Rs23,000 per sq.
The state had issued a Government Resolution (GR) about its decision to increase the FSI for suburban constructions.
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